Saturday 11 May 2013

Free Will and Determinism

If God doesn’t exist then good and evil are themes created by humans to try to explain why people do things. Good and evil will still be around if god doesn’t exist because it is a fundamental way of thinking for our society.


1.       What did Dr Weatherburn say were the reasons that younger offenders were more likely to reoffend


Younger offenders were more likely to reoffend because they were likely to be victims of abuse at home or school, they could be pressured by their friends and they would do it for a rush.

2.      What did Darren Ryan say that supported Dr Weatherburn’s reasons?


"A lot of these young people, they're from quite dysfunctional families and, in some cases, their parents are finding it very hard to cope with their own lives, let alone looking after quite a few kids and trying to get them to school," he said.


3.      What do you think the article suggests about the importance of the family in forming the conscience and good decision making?


Having family support is one of the main reasons for keeping kids out of juvenile detentions; this is because parents are very influential for young kids


4.      If a family is “dysfunctional” where else might a person gain wisdom to form their conscience and learn about right from wrong?




5.      How is it that some adults overcome horrendous childhood experiences and backgrounds or have committed an evil act and are transformed to do good and help others to do good? For example, Nelson Mandela, Rubin Carter(Hurricane),


Because of support of family, friends and the overall community. They could have also changed their religious views and have seen the saving light of God


6.      What do you think the following saying means? It takes a village to raise a child.


It refers to the idea that parents aren’t the only influence for young children and it influences to be better role models for young children.

Sunday 21 April 2013

Religion And Philosophy


Pray to god and do not wander from the holy path

Be truthful and confess your sins so that your spirit will remain beautiful

Do not give into temptation and ovoid evil at all costs



Spend your life making it the best that you possibly can

Immortality of the soul, when your body dies your spirit will remain eternal

Evil is bad and you should ovoid temptation

What is Good and Evil?

Goodness – Goodness is when someone does something unselfish for the good of other and not necessarily for themselves

Truth – truth is where a person doesn’t lie and is faithful and open

Beauty – beauty is not always from the outside but can resonate within, the people that are like this are caring and compassionate and will do things for the greater good

Evil – evil occurs when a person or persons commits an act of atrocity

Good is when the righteous overcome the evil doers

Evil happens when people stray from the light of god